The Lay Forum is a free movement of men and women who have been brought together by Christian faith and commitment to the future of the church and the world, and particularly to the future of the Uniting Church. It aims to bring together people asking questions about the Christian faith. It encourages the church into a realistic re- assessment of the way it engages with the modern world.
The Lay Forum gives expression to a considered, respectful and contemporary voice for the progressive thinkers in the church. The Forum addresses many critical issues including education, theology and praxis, communication and governance. It seeks to represent this significant and growing group of people present in many congregations, as well as those who have become exiles from the church, with integrity.
The Lay Forum follows the example of similar organisations which have been successful in past years in other parts of the world (for example the Progressive Spirituality Networks) and which appear to be in the early stages of development in every State in Australia.
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