Increase Newstart by $150 per week

“Let’s have real reform of our social security system and real reform of our tax system,” says Rev Peter Catt, President of A Progressive Christian Voice Australia (APCVA).

APCVA’s election agenda has called for tax reform that would lead to a fairer and simpler system. It supports a reduction in the loop holes and tax concessions built into the tax system, for example on superannuation, capital gains tax, dividend imputation and negative gearing. In this it supports the analysis of economist Richard Denniss of The Australia Institute.

“If we had real tax reform, we would have the revenue to increase Newstart by $150 per week which is just above the poverty line and Austudy and Youth Allowance for students by $200 per week,” Rev Peter Catt said. “We are asking that these payments be paid at the same rate as the Aged Pension. This would be real social security reform:  a far simpler system of only one payment rate and no one condemned to live in poverty.”

“In a rich country like ours, poverty is not the fault of individuals but a result of government policy that favours the rich and powerful.”

The APCVA has also called for a doubling of the rate of Commonwealth Rent Assistance, and increasing foreign aid to 1% of GDP.

The Rev Peter Catt can be contacted for a media interview by phoning 0404052494 or by emailing 

Authorised Ray Barraclough, 25 Buderim Street, Currimundi, Qld, 4551.